Prof. Nada Mallah Boustani

Nada Mallah Boustani, professor and researcher at Saint Joseph University and member in research centers in Europe.  

President and co-founder of AXISSED, Board member in several business groups and NGOs in Lebanon and EMENA region.
Believes in the willingness and the perseverance in achieving personal goals under the prevailing
ethical values.

Passion propels you to greatness... Just trust that your drive, abilities, and motivation will pave the road for innovationNMB.

Latest News

HDR in Business Finance...
a milestone in academic excellence

Habilitation to Direct Research (HDR) "l'innovation, moteur de l'entreprise durable" defended publicly on the 1rst of december 2023 at University of Picardie Jules Vernes- Amiens France. 

With immense gratitude and deep appreciation for your support during my Habilitation to Direct Research (HDR) defense. I would like to send my most special thanks to my guarantor Loredana Ureche-Rangau, who has been a real catalyst for this success. Likewise, extend my most sincere thanks to the eminent members of the jury, Elisabetta Magnaghi, Christophe Schmitt, Paul Crozet, Eric Severin whose presence, comments, and expertise have greatly enriched this stage of my academic career.

I dedicate this success first to my children, may you find in this accomplishment a source of inspiration for your own academic and professional journeys... but also to my country, Lebanon, the cradle of my inspiration! This accomplishment has deep meaning for me, symbolizing my commitment to academic excellence.

With gratitude, dedication, and full of hope.

Since 2022 and counting...

As president and co-founder I proudly announce the birth of “AXISSED" which stands for “Association of Excellence for Innovation Studies, Sustainability & Economic Development”. Our organization relies and counts on Lebanese brains, think tanks and determination.

AXISSED is established in 2022, with the aim and purpose to contribute to SMES’ transformation, economic reforms, and community development. And through its unique framework along with the commitment and engagement of its caliber human resources, AXISSED pledges to add value in providing the necessary talent and technical assistance for skills and country development purposes. You can learn more, here.

AIS Distinguished Member

The AIS Distinguished Member program recognizes NADA MALLAH BOUSTANI who has made a significant impact on the association. Qualifications for the designation include a minimum of five years of continuous AIS membership, service in a significant role in AIS or AIS-related activity, and at least one publication in an AIS or AIS-affiliated journal. Read More...

"Ecumenical Perspectives on Climate Change

With pleasure, I share with you the intervention entitled "Integral Education for the Good of Creation" that I presented,  during the symposium “Ecumenical Perspectives on Climate Change” at Saint Joseph University (USJ) in Beirut, organized by the Middle East Council of Churches in cooperation with the Association of Theological Institutes in the Middle East (ATIME). Watch the intervention

SGEC - XXIX colloque

Avec plaisir, je partage avec vous, l’introduction que j’ai faite lors de la modération de la séance plénière du XXIX colloque du secrétariat général des écoles catholiques au Liban autour de la thématique « L’éducation intégrale, pour un meilleur accomplissement de la personne humaine » (5 septembre 2023), Read More...

Latest Contributions and Projects

The entrepreneurship program of Zaman international, a dedicated NGO empowering women through support and education. In this session I covered calculating startup costs and exploring various funding options available to entrepreneurs. Also, bootstrapping and venture capital, supported with the tools and insights needed to navigate the financial landscape of starting own business.. Read more here... 

The entrepreneurship program of Zaman international, a dedicated NGO empowering women through support and education. I shared my expertise and insights in the first session related to economics with the entrepreneurship program participants, encouraging their growth and development, through critical thinking, honed analytical skills, and deepened participants' understanding of economic dynamics. Read more here... 

Improving Migration Data Management Capacities of National Institutions in Lebanon 2022 – 2023 is a project funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). The project’s Overall objective is to contribute to improved migration data handling capacities of MoFA by preparing technical and operational expansions, while ensuring interim functionality in accordance with expected standards.

The Conseil National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS-L) and the French Embassy in Lebanon have chosen our multidisciplinary project on the state of higher education and research in Lebanon in times of crisis covering the fields of  "Professional and technical training". Read More... 
The jury congratulates the shortlisted candidates on the quality of their proposals and the partnerships established, which among them, our project "The contribution of SDGs to the recovery and sustainable economic growth of businesses in Lebanon". Read More... 

More Contributions

* Studying the eating habits, knowledge, and attitudes towards edible insects and their consumption, either as the whole insect or as part of food formulations. International Project EISuFood: CERNAS-IPV/2020/003 .Countries involved: Brazil, Cape Verde, Colombia, Croatia, Greece, Latvia, Lebanon, Lithuania, Mexico, Morocco, Nigeria, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey. Researchgate

* L’éducation ignacienne en temps de crises et de défis Visit the even't Page Editorial  et communication du colloque  read the editorial

* S.O.S (Save Our Salt) a new project launched by Green Community organization. Watch a video

* COVID-19 in Education - Lessons Learned and Best Practices MENACIS2021